Sunday, December 14, 2008

So what should congress do?

There are a lot of proposals that congress could enact that would help to stimulate the economy. One of the best ideas that I have seen recently is H.R. 7309, introduced by Congressman Gohmert (R-Tex). The resolution would suspend employment and income taxes for the first two months of 2009.
Imagine that your paycheck was complete for the first time in your life. When you deposit your check it will be for the actual amount of money that you earned during your pay period, free from withholding and social security taxes.
This resolutions intent is to replace the second half of the $350 billion bailout by leaving worker's earnings in their pocket to spend or save how they would like.
I would definitely prefer to have that money utilized by the American people to stimulate the economy, rather than have our magnanimous Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson dish it out as he pleases.
If you think this is a good idea, I recommend you contact your representative here, and if you want to get more information, read this op-ed by Congressman Gohmert.

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